Freelance Writers Class Action (Robertson v. ProQuest, CEDROM, Toronto Star Newspapers, Rogers and Canwest) – 13
October 20, 2009
By order dated September 15, 2009, the definition of the Class in this matter was amended, to exclude persons who provided Works to a not for profit or non-commercial publisher of Print Media which was a licensor to a defendant (including a third party defendant), and where such persons either did not expect or request, or did not receive, financial gain for providing such works from the Class. A copy of the September 15, 2009 Order is accessible through the “Documents” link to the right of this page. Such individuals will now be required to pursue their claims against the defendants individually and are advised to seek independent legal advice with respect to any potential claim they may have and the applicable limitation period.
The Plaintiff’s motion, previously scheduled to proceed on October 23, 2009, has been adjourned on consent of the parties until November 30, 2009.