KM’s Articling Students in the Community
October 24, 2013
The articling students at Koskie Minsky LLP have teamed up with articling students at other law firms in Toronto and the Yonge Street Mission to collect warm clothing from members of the Toronto legal community for the benefit of those less fortunate. Anything from blankets and sleeping bags to gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats, sweaters, and any other items you can spare to provide to someone in need of warmth. Business clothes are also very much appreciated. Spring and summer clothes are welcome, as are financial contributions.
The Yonge Street Mission is a long-standing downtown charitable organization dedicated to meeting the needs of people living in poverty in Toronto. It has been in operation since 1896. The Mission runs a variety of diverse programs to provide the underprivileged with the basic necessities of life – food, clothing, shelter, medical aid etc. They also offer employment and computer training.
The Yonge Street Mission is supported by business leaders, charitable foundations, civic groups, churches and individuals. For more information about the Mission, you can visit their website at:
The clothing will be delivered to the Yonge Street Mission’s Double Take thrift store, which provides quality and affordable clothing for people living on low incomes. In order to increase the impact of the clothing donated, the Yonge Street Mission provides food bank clients with vouchers to shop at the Double Take thrift store. Double Take has a large “Career Apparel” section providing business attire which is critical in helping people prepare for job interviews and the employment process.
The clothing drive will be held Monday November 11, 2013 to November 14, 2013.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Koskie Minsky LLP student coordinator for the Winter Hope Clothing Drive, Danielle Gauer.