Wabush Mines, April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019
We have been advised by the Monitor that they have now reached a solution with the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec with respect to the errors made on tax slips sent to some former employees and retirees. Individuals will be receiving a letter specific to their status providing them with information with respect to whether they were affected by the error or not and providing information, in addition to, in some cases a revised tax slip.
These letters are expected to go out in the mail as soon as possible. Please continue to check your mailbox for your letter before completing your tax filing as this may affect what you need to report.
Please note that in some cases the tax slips will be unchanged as some members were paid distributions for taxable amounts. Each situation is different and therefore it is important to wait until you receive your individualized letter from the Monitor.