U.S. Steel Canada Inc. (formerly Stelco), March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
Individuals who received a distribution from the Monitor under the CCAA Plan of Compromise for one of the following claims will also be sent a Qualifying Retroactive Lump-Sum Payment (“QRLSP“) Form from the Monitor:
- non-registered unfunded retirement benefit contracts (“RBC“) from USSC; or,
- special retiring allowance payments (“SRA“) from USSC; or,
- special retiring allowance arrangements for former Stelpipe union members from USSC,
(together the “qualifying distributions”).
A letter from our firm was enclosed with the QRLSP form sent by the Monitor explaining the purpose of a QRLSP Form.
If you receive a QRLSP Form and have any questions please speak to your accountant or financial advisor. Representative Counsel and the Monitor will not be able to provide you with tax advice.