U.S. Steel Canada Inc., September 29, 2017
September 29, 2017
Changes to Emergency Retiree Fund Claim Process
The Representative Committee is pleased to report that significant progress continues to be on the design and implementation of a new Benefit Plan under the newly formed Employee Life and Health Trust (the “ELHT”) for non-USW retirees and their dependents.
In the interim, until such time as the new Benefit Plan can be implemented, the ELHT will be taking over responsibility for paying emergency health and dental benefits. The coverage for emergency health and dental will remain the same as previously provided under the Transition Fund since July 1, 2017. Specifically, eligibility for benefits will continue to be limited to those who have no other options, and for whom paying for the service would cause a significant hardship for themselves and/or their family.
However, effective October 1, 2017 claimants will now have to submit the Retiree Fund Application Form directly to the ELHT, through Representative Counsel (with the applicable Green Shield Benefits Claim Form attached). Application forms should no longer be sent to the Monitor. A revised Application Form indicating this change can be found here.
Please note that you will still be required to complete the Green Shield forms available here:
If you have any questions regarding the above please contact Representative Counsel at 1-866-777-6341 or email us at usscrepcounsel@kmlaw.ca.