Target Canada Corporation, July 25, 2016
July 25, 2016
We are pleased to report that the omnibus claim for loss of employee discount cards has been resolved. On the instruction of the Court-appointed representatives (“Representatives”), Employee Representative counsel filed an omnibus claim in connection with the loss of the employee discount over the notice period. Prior to the CCAA filing, Target Canada employees were entitled to a 10% discount on all store purchases (excluding pharmacy) on top of any discounts already assigned to merchandise. The claim asserted that employees suffered a loss when Target discontinued the discount, as they no longer enjoyed a discounted rate on goods they purchased relative to the general public.
Following negotiations facilitated by the Court-appointed Monitor, a resolution to the omnibus claim was reached. The settlement requires payment of a lump sum amount of $50,000 from Target Canada Inc. for the exclusive benefit of a registered charity selected by your Representatives. The amount of the settlement, paired with the dispersed and transitory nature of the former Target Canada workforce, favoured a resolution that would put the money to a positive use over time, rather than pay nominal amounts to all former employees.
The Representatives are proud to be able to support United Way Centraide Canada as the recipient charity. The mission of United Way Centraide Canada is to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action. For more information on the organization and its work, please see the following link:
If you have any questions regarding the settlement, please do not hesitate to contact us.